DMD Films
The First Time
"The First Time" is a coming of age story exploring a teenage couples attempt to have sex for the First Time. Rachel (17) and Kevin (17) are sat on a park bench, play-fighting; Rachel brings the nonsense to an end with a hefty slap around Kevin's face and probes Kevin on more pressing matters, "Where are we going to do it?", referencing having sex for the first time. The fear of what Rachel's father and her four brothers would do to Kevin if they knew he was trying to have sex with their daughter/sister, instantly dispels any notion of doing it at her house. Kevin is also loathe to doing it at his Mother's house as his little sister is a snitch and would report his debauchery to their mother. Kevin's mother is also paranoid any female that comes into contact with her son will fall pregnant. Kevin presents Rachel with a third option, an opportunity to have sex in the spare room of Kevin's best mate, Gabriel's, mums house. Rachel takes Kevin up on this offer and reminds him, 'Make Sure You Bring a Condom'.